How Do You Win Chess Endgames

 In chess and chess-like games, the endgame (or end game or ending) is the stage of the game when few pieces are left on the board. So, how do you Win Chess Endgames.

The line between middlegame and endgame is often not clear, and may occur gradually or with the quick exchange of a few pairs of pieces. The endgame, however, tends to have different characteristics from the middlegame, and the players have correspondingly different strategic concerns. In particular, pawns become more important as endgames often revolve around attempting to promote a pawn by advancing it to the eighth rank. The king, which has to be protected in the middlegame owing to the threat of checkmate, becomes a strong piece in the endgame. It can be brought to the center of the board and act as a useful attacking piece.

Compared to chess opening theory, which changes frequently, giving way to middlegame positions that fall in and out of popularity, endgame theory is less subject to change. Many people have composed endgame studies, endgame positions which are solved by finding a win for White when there is no obvious way to win, or a draw when it seems White must lose.

Usually in the endgame, the stronger side (the one with more material using the standard piece point count system) should try to exchange pieces (knights, bishops, rooks, and queens), while avoiding the exchange of pawns. This generally makes it easier to convert a material advantage into a won game. The defending side should strive for the opposite.

    Top Ten Rules to Chess Endgames!

    For a lot of beginner level chess players, the endgame can be a difficult challenge.  Many of my early games ended in checkmate in the middlegame, so I did not have a lot of early experience playing endgames. However, knowing what to do in the final stage is just as important as anything else. So, I decided to make a list of some very basic steps that could steer NO endgame wrong! Enjoy!!!
    1. Master the basic checkmates
    2. Master the basics of technique
    3. Push passed pawn
    4. Activate your king
    5. Play "Backwards-to-Forwards" Chess
    6. Beware of "German Words"!
    7. Find and use the pawn majority
    8. Use the principle of two weaknesses
    9. Be Concrete & Calculate!
    10.Fewer Pieces = Less Room for Error!

    The Complete Chess Endgame Masterclass

    Welcome Chesslovers to the complete chess endgame mastersclass. This course is all about analysis and study of chess endgames in a beautiful and funny way. The course is made in easy to learn way and the course is very powerful to implement your own ideas in chess.

    In this course you will learn A to Z concepts of chess endgames.I will cover each and every aspects in very clear way so that you will grab the idea very easily.

    We will start from Pawn endgames and discuss Knight, Bishop , Queen, King, Rook endgames one by one in complete details.


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